When you think of Success in your career, business and life your brain tags you with high status, reputation in society, bank balance, property, comforts, sound health, fame, peace of mind, perfection, reputation and satisfaction. Your ultimate goal is to achieve perfection in personal life and professional life too. Do you think is it possible to achieve everything with peace of mind and comfort? To achieve everything in life you ought to sacrifice a lot of comfort and peace of mind. To achieve reputation in the society you have to make sacrifices then only in return you will get something. Rightly has been quoted no pain no gain.Our problem is we wish to get much then what we give away.

Success is not an object to be achieved in life in a concrete form. Life is unpredictable and has no limit of objects to give us ultimate satisfaction and success. Every Individual has his own criteria of success and satisfaction. A man is bound with his limitations, limitations of his social status, economical background, educational qualification, geographical environment and his approach and point of view that affects him of his achievements. Every individual is different in his approach towards his life and work that affects his success and failure. Every individual is different and so is his success story as has been said one’s food can be other’s poison.

We need to learn a lot just by observing our surrounding and environment. We as a human being are superior to other creatures around us since we have brain to think and hands to work. Our brain makes us superior to all other living creatures. Some traits of creatures around us teach us how to attain our goals. The nature around us and our inner instincts teach us a lot if we carefully observe and follow them. When we pray to God and look at the high sky don’t you see the flying creatures, they are the messengers of God to teach you that sky is the limit its only you who has limited yourself to the earth beneath your feet Fly High you have the strength. Birds have some specific traits to teach us how to be successful. List is given below to follow:

1.      BIRD’S VISION: Bird’s vision is highly developed. Birds see colors unlike most animals. Some birds like Hawk, Owl and Eagles have larger eyes than humans so these birds are visionary. Those who have clear vision will never miss the target. Always think beyond and try to develop broad thinking skills. Think what other can’t think of and that will make you a visionary person for that you have to think positive and great. Don’t waste energy in negative thinking and ill of others. Avoid the company of those who have negative attitude because that may affect your thinking too. Develop a vision with long distance focus and clarity.

1.       MOVEMENT/FLIGHT: Birds have one of the most complicated forms of locomotion in the animal kingdom and this must be followed by us too. One can’t progress just by staying at one place. Complex movements in life enable you to be adaptive to different types of environments to make you mentally, physically and emotionally strong. There is a Chinese Proverb that said,” Travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.” One learns different types of movements like birds gliding, hovering, taking off, landing and staying carefully away from the birds of prey. Ascending and descending as per the current of air. Learn to make your flight with maximum efficiency and minimum energetic costs.

1.       FEARLESS/BOLD: Never surrender to the size or strength of your prey. It is a virtue to be fearless and bold. Eagle is a fearless and bold bird. Always be ready to give a fight to win your rights and fight the wrong done to you. Learn from eagle the hunting strategy. Don’t be afraid of the size of weapon or power the other person holds fight back and attack to save your honor suppose you lose you will never feel guilty of being victimized.

1.       HIGH FLYER: Fly high like eagles and always have your feet firm to the ground of reality. Fly high does not mean that you have to keep yourself away from the reality. Always aim higher that we learn by these birds only. Eagles fly high up to 10000 feet but are able to swiftly land on the ground too. Fly high means take up the challenges without running away. Don’t wait for the opportunities rather move ahead without noise quickly. 

1.       TENACIOUS: Watch a bird of prey spreading mighty wings in stormy weather and facing the storms with full strength. Challenges in life can be great storms but face boldly with all might to have a win. Have a firm hold of the adversity and be determined to face the challenges. Don’t leave your principles and cling to your aims to achieve them at any cost. 

1.       NEVER EAT DEAD/STALE FOOD/CONSUME GOOD IDEAS: Many of the birds never eat dead animals means they don’t scavenge. We must have vibrant and liberal thinking so not to consume bad and stale ideas or action. Bad advices and stale ideas of others can be poisonous for our mental and emotional health. Always have purity of thought and action to remain healthy.

1.       NURTURE YOUNG ONES: Have you ever seen that how the birds nurture their young ones superb is this trait of theirs. Birds are very caring and take care of their young ones. True people are also affectionate and give proper protection to others and grow with their followers. We must take care of our subordinates and must have emotional intelligence to make them grow.

1.       LIGHT WEIGHT: Birds can fly because they are light in weight and their bones are hollow this is taught from our childhood. When man made his first air plane, he had to keep this principle in his mind and it proved to be the fact that light objects can fly. It was the flight of birds that made man to invent air planes also. We have to learn from them to keep our weight under control because light weight can make you more flexible, alert and active.

1.       SPEND TIME IN NATURE: Birds teach us the biggest lesson of our lives that we must spend our time in the laps of nature. Birds always celebrate their freedom by singing and dancing in nature and thus celebrate their freedom. We advocate our freedom and celebrate being free but nature will protect us only as long as we keep the ailing planet healthy by protecting its natural resources.


1.       SING SWEET SONGS: Birds sing sweet songs to be happy and to make others happy too. Similar to that our intention must be to be happy and to make others happy with our sweet songs. Even in our sorrows and sufferings when we sing our songs are the sweetest of all. Famous English poet Keats has rightly said that our sweetest songs are those which tell us of our saddest thoughts.






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