Passionate Craze Messes Life-Review of Science Fiction -The Invisible Man H.G. Wells

PASSIONATE CRAZE MESSES LIFE-THE INVISIBLE MAN -A REVIEW OF THE NOVEL Sometimes passionate craze messes life .The fiction by H.G. Wells The Invisible Man describes it very well. The Invisible Man is a story of a Scientist who was crazy for his work day and night .He works on his project of invisibility and completes his experiment successfully. Griffin ,the scientist and the hero of H.G. Wells plays negative role in this fiction and lands himself in unexpected troubles from beginning till end. The invisible man was a scientist ,his name was Griffin .He couldn't tolerate any hurdle in his path to ac complish his crazy invention of invisibility. He went through a great extent of damage done to the humanity to accomplish his crazy invention . To meet the expenses of his experiments he required a heavy amount and for that he even did not hesitate to rob his father. He robbed his ...