How To Grow On You Tube? An Honest Opinion and A Few Tips By Rita Tyagi


You Tube is an excellent platform to exhibit your technical ,creative, literary, intellectual knowledge and skills if  you are interested in expression and sharing your ideas and thoughts. Just without making  any  investment you can create your own channel either for your financial gain or to follow your passion. YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones.

    Gone are the days when people used to write diaries and used to publish their books and magazines.  You Tube has given them an opportunity to share their talent in an easy way. The easiest way of  expression .Our parents and grandparents above 80 are deprived of this pleasure.

As per the reports every second tons of videos are uploaded on You Tube. One uploaded video is just like a drop of water in the ocean. It is the result of the explosion of knowledge and popularity of social media. You can win the race if you are the best and the fittest in this race. As per your interest  you can choose your topic in this field and as a creator join this MARATHON. You need to follow few tips and tricks to be successful :

1.Its advisable for new creator that You Tube should be your part time job and not to depend fully on it. It should be your passion and your hobby in the beginning. Students must focus on studies only and to create good videos in the long run only.YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos. The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones.

2.As your hobby create a Channel and start uploading 4-5 videos in a month or so. Consistency is a must in this field. Consistency can only grow your channel. It takes one to two years to grow your channel organically (without payments for ads). Professional You Tubers pay a regular amount for their growth of videos.

3.You must post and upload videos which are trending and have popular topics. You Tube is a search machine (engine).Here Are the Top Most Popular Types of Videos on YouTube

  • Vlogs.
  • Gaming Videos.
  • Comedy/Skit Videos.
  • Haul Videos. 
  • Tag or Challenge Videos. 
  • Favorites/Best Of Videos.
  • Educational Videos. 
  • Unboxing Videos. Whew! .

4.Use your own ideas and thoughts. You should upload only the videos with original  ideas ,contents and  copyright free music otherwise there will be a copyright claim  and your whole efforts will be in vain.

5.You can download footages and motion graphics for your videos from which are free from copyright claim.

6.Money is not everything follow your passion one day money will follow you. Nothing can  be  achieved in a day. If you want to earn money the following are the ways you are paid on YouTube:

  1. Join the YouTube Partner Program.
  2. Sell products or merchandise.
  3. Crowdfund your next creative project.
  4. Let your audience support your work through “fan funding”
  5. License your content to the media.
  6. Work with brands as an influencer.
  7. Become an affiliate marketer.


7.Keep this in mind that 90% of your viewers love light topics and contents that's why millions of  creators  have made videos on how to become millionaire and have become rich by giving you tips to  become rich.

8.Ordinarily it takes one year to understand the process of  You Tube system. Slow and Steady wins the race so keep it up.

9.Trending and Relevant Topics , Full Description, Attractive Thumbnail ,Full Tags related to the topic of your video and End Screen and Cards play important role in your videos so pay attention to these  for the success.

10.Last but not the least watch the videos of your interest and enjoy . Don't forget to Subscribe and Like  the videos because there is a great effort of a creator behind each of them. Learn from the Creators and the Experts.


   Many videos have been criticised for containing provocative, violent, and depressing contents. Likewise, bigotry, hatred, and propaganda are the common themes of many videos available on YouTube. As YouTube is a public platform, anyone can upload and watch videos without any substantial barriers.                                                                     


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