SKIN AND HAIR BEAUTY TIPS INTRODUCTION: Beauty is skin deep and Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder most of us agree with it. Beauty is the confidence, kindness, happiness, dignity and the intelligence. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Beauty is power and smile its sword. Everyone desires to look good and beautiful. In today’s world there is an acute desire of all to look attractive so it becomes natural to maintain oneself naturally. Those who are cautious of applying chemicals always go for natural ingredients to enhance their beauty. There are many beauty products which have side effects but if we use some natural ingredients to enhance our beauty it will be safe and will also cost low as it is easily available and affordable too. Before mentioning a few of the natural ingredients to enhance our beauty it will be fair to mention here a few habits that can help you to maintain healthy and beautiful skin: 1.Wash your face and moisturize skin regularly. 2.Get 6-...