How To Grow On You Tube? An Honest Opinion and A Few Tips By Rita Tyagi

SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOU TUBE A FEW TIPS AND TRICKS You Tube is an excellent platform to exhibit your technical ,creative, literary, intellectual knowledge and skills if you are interested in expression and sharing your ideas and thoughts. Just without making any investment you can create your own channel either for your financial gain or to follow your passion. YouTube is a video sharing service where users can watch, like, share, comment and upload their own videos . The video service can be accessed on PCs, laptops, tablets and via mobile phones. Gone are the days when people used to write diaries and used to publish their books and magazines. You Tube has given them an opportunity to share their talent in an easy way. The easiest way of expression .Our parents and grandparents above 80 are deprived of this pleasure. As per the reports every second tons of videos are uploaded on You Tube. One uploaded video is just like a drop of wa...