How To Make A Good Life-Life Changing Tips To Follow-Rita Tyagi



  Life is what we make of it. It is just like a white canvas on which we have to draw a landscape and  then color it as per our liking and disliking. Its always better to make life simple, easy ,comfortable and free from evil thoughts and Negativity. Always be active and implement your thoughts to action.      We have to require many molds to shape it. Lets make our life better by following some tips to shape it and so to make it worth living with happiness. 

  1.FINANCE:Money matters in this world whether it is small amount or huge. Manage your money carefully for that visit nearby Bank to find out new profitable schemes to make money from your money. Keep a diary to maintain all details of it. From the very beginning of the career finance must be taken care of . Financial security gives you satisfaction and happiness.7 Money Management Tips to Improve Your Finances

  1. Track your spending to improve your finances. 
  2. Create a realistic monthly budget.
  3. Build up your savings—even if it takes time. 
  4. Pay your bills on time every month.
  5. Cut back on recurring charges. 
  6. Save up cash to afford big purchases.
  7. Start an investment strategy.


     2.PARENTING:Always try to improve your parenting skills. Involve yourself in activities with children. Taking care of their needs like clothing ,food and recreation keep them up close to you. Sometimes in our busy schedule we neglect them unintentionally. Involvement with the kids make a good bond with them.5 Steps to Positive Parenting

  • Create a safe, interesting environment. Bored kids are likely to misbehave.
  • Have a positive learning environment. If a child or teenager comes to you for help or a chat, they're ready to learn.
  • Use assertive discipline. 
  • Have realistic expectations. 
  • Take care of yourself as a parent.


      3.FITNESS: Sports ,Games and Evening Walk must be an integral part of our daily life if not every day at least thrice in a week .Physical activity keeps us in shape physically as well as mentally. Games and Sports boost our mood .Clubs ,Community Centers , Parks and Walking Tracks are easily available to all of us. Fitness will change your life. Fitness means the condition of being physically and mentally fit with good health. It is the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy life.


     4.DIET PLAN AND GYM: Diet plan is trending these days. In this context celebrities have become the role models. Follow a diet plan to pamper yourself .If not gym at least meditation ,yoga and exercise can be an essential part of our lives. It is an affordable and an accessible commodity of our life to make it happier. Best sources to have lean and natural protein include lean chicken, beef, fish, low-fat dairy products and soy. While protein rich foods should remain your preferred choice, adding a quality protein supplement powder in your diet will ensure that you are meeting protein macros every day.

     5.MUSIC AND DANCE: Several  things have changed in present time. Young and old all love dance and music and so it should be. Whenever get time listen to the music and dance to your tune.Dance is a form of exercise also and will uplift your mood. Children learn new things, like sounds, words and patterns through music. And with dance, they can explore and control their body movements. These activities are great for development and stimulate connections in the growing brain.

    6.FASHION AND LIFESTYLE: Fashion is the first thing people look at you. It is the form of clothing and costume .Adopt the fashion according to the country. You can make your life better by dressing up well. With fashion you feel good and confident .Your fashion , lifestyle, attitude and luxury items boost your life to liveliness.On a larger scale, fashion is important because it represents our history and helps to tell the story of the world. Clothes began as a necessity but they gained their power early on when certain groups wore specific styles, making them popular. 



  7. TOUR AND TRAVEL: Travel is the movement between distant locations. Travel can be done by bicycle ,automobile, train, car, ship and by airplane .Travel is the best way to enhance mood. It gives you a sense of freedom and explore new culture.Traveling fosters a medium to build human connections with one another by learning about culture, food, new sites, music, and the way people live their day to day lives in different parts of the world.

    8.HOME DECORATION: One finds pleasure in creating dreams home. Designing home is an exciting and an overwhelming process. Take time in designing home with inspiring ides with wall spaces ,rugs ,bold gallery, color spaces, patterns, floor to ceiling ideas. Comfort plays an important  role in giving pleasure and easiness to life .So one must enjoy and take interest in decorating homes to make life pleasurable. Elements of Interior Design

  • Space.
  • Lines.
  • Form or Shape.
  • Pattern.
  • Light.
  • Color.
  • Texture.





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