Magic of Yellow Fruit and Vegetable to enhance Beauty


How to get Beautiful Skin II Magic of Yellow Fruits and 

Vegetables II Be Organic II Tips for Glowing Skin

Yellow Fruits and Vegetables have a Fascinating impact on Skin. To Enhance Beauty why to use Chemicals in form of Creams and cosmetics when Yellow Fruits and Vegetables can do wonders Yellow Fruits and Vegetables are the Store House of Minerals, Vitamins and Antioxidants to maximize  Skin Benefit. Yellow Fruits and Vegetables can Replace the use of Chemicals .Yellow Color represent  Sunshine Radiance and Glow. Yellow Fruits and Vegetables contain a Phytochemical called Bio  Flavonoid  referred as Vitamin P that helps the breakdown of Vitamin C in the  body. Thus these yellow fruits and vegetables are the store house of Phytochemicals Antioxidants. Vitamins and Minerals to combat against severe illness and heart issues  

1.BANANAS: Bananas are the storehouse of vitamin A,B,C,E and Zinc, Potassium and Magnesium.    Bananas are known to reduce swelling and are high in antioxidants , which can provide protection from free radicals.   

              2.MANGOES: Mangoes are the storehouse of  Vitamin A and protects  the skin from ultraviolet rays and prevents cancer.


3.LEMONS: Lemons have anti bacterial property, rich in Vitamin C and citric acid  that makes        skin more radiant and soft.                                                                                                                                                                   


4.CORN: Corn is rich in nicotine acid . It prevents skin from itchiness and irritation.


5.PUMPKIN:Pumpkin produces Collagen a Protein present in skin .It is rich in Vitamin C and Antioxidants. It promotes soft and smooth skin.



6.YELLOW PEPPER: Yellow Pepper is rich in fiber, Proteins and Iron stocked with nutrients our      skin desires.        


7. ORANGE: Orange is an excellent source of Vitamin C. It prevents skin damage, controls          blood sugar level and lowers cholesterol . It is tasty, delicious and loaded with nutrients.      


 8. PAPAYA: Papaya contains high level of Antioxidants and Vitamin  A,C,E. It reduces the risk of  heart diseases. It improves digestion and protects against skin damage. 


9.PINEAPPLE : Pineapple is loaded  with Nutrients and contains Disease Fighting                Antioxidants It helps Speedy Recovery after Surgery or or Strenuous Exercise. It boosts Immunity.                          


10.APRICOT:Apricot is very nutritious and contains Vitamins like A and C. It also contains Minerals   and Potassium. It boosts skin health. It keeps Immune in check and slows the Aging Process.

                 Thus we eat and enjoy fruits and vegetables for their nutritional values since they are filled with    antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These fruits and vegetables have many benefits for our skin and  hair too. They no doubt enhance our beauty. The health of our skin and hair depends on our eating  habits so we have to take care of our diets also. Fruits and vegetables are excellent and powerful source of our health and happiness. Fruits and vegetables are storehouse of vitamins A,C ,B, and Potassium Fruits and vegetables cleanse ,nourish , hydrate skin and hair and remove impurities that enhances our complexion .Vitamin C, E and K in fruits and vegetables strengthen ,cool and condition our skin. Natural Skin Tightening  Facial masks can be made by yellow fruit like papaya and banana. Lemon works as a cleanser and bleaches hair too.             































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