How to get Success in life-Success Mantra

"The woods are lovely dark and deep but I     have promises to keep

 and miles to go before I sleep and miles to   go before I sleep"- Robert Frost

Leave no Stone unturned :To make yourself successful it is very important to be ambitious. A person who  does not aim at anything living a meaningless life , like a ship in the sea without any direction.We must focus at our set goals and must put in  all our efforts to achieve them .

Money is not Everything; Rich and Successful does not mean being Wealthy .First thing is to be Passionate  at work and to achieve the set Targets with your Knowledge and Skills. With Knowledge  we need to hone our skills with a lot of consistency at work. Rome was not built in a day. With    knowledge, skills and consistency success is not far away no doubt then the money will follow you. 

 Develop Critical Thinking :To be successful you need to develop your power of Critical Thinking. Critical  Thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do and what to believe.It is  Reflective and Independent thinking. To be rich and successful you need to develop your power of Critical Thinking. Think as well as Act because thinking without action is futile, vain and fruitless .      It will take time to be rich in profession and to be successful five years , ten years may be fifteen years. The success depends on these years as a foundation of your career as a majestic castle stands on a strong foundation beneath it. You need to work hard and with critical thinking in your career you will  be rich and successful and will be rewarded for your great endurance.

Grab the Opportunity and be Consistent: Don't look at the problems "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity", "If a window of opportunity appears ,don't pull down the shade. " Pursuing  your  passions make you more interesting and interesting people are enchanting. Very simple peasants work hard in the field and harvest a good crop, students those work hard come out with flying colors,  athletes sweat vigorously; practice hours to build stamina, handle stress and win the medals, actors work day and night to create a character , astronauts  and scientists spend sleepless nights to make discoveries and inventions create wonders. 

Work Hard in Silence let Success be your Voice: Let your hard work earn money for you and let your hard earned money work harder to make more money. Intelligent people make money from  money  they invest money to make more money. Have a financial growth mindset make money your asset not your liabilities because asset put money in your pocket and liabilities take money out. If you master some important principles to get ahead stay ahead and have a financial growth mindset. Explore new ideas and find out new schemes to grow your hard earned money . 

Get Out of your Comfort Zone: Success comes to those who embrace a little discomfort. Push yourself beyond your limits. Come out  with ideas and take a plunge. Inner strength and high dream is key to success of all successful Business Leaders, Visionaries  and Game Changers .Face your fears with courage and take first step to unknown. Focus on self. Never forget More Risk More  Profit. Never completely retire keep working .Enjoy what you do .Avoid overspending ,the more money you spend the less you have. Make your money make more money. 

Last but not the least focus on thinking at least 30 minutes a day to yourself. Don't waste your time and energy on Negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are like acid do more harm to container than the surrounding.     







  1. My Uncle's message to me after reading my blogf forwarded to him on good collWhatsApp...Thanks good collection famous lines of frost and critical thinking is well brought out for thinking .

  2. Really very informative post thank you very much

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