HOW TO GET MOTIVATED BY THE INSPIRATIONAL LIFE QUOTES? PURPOSE OF MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES Motivational and inspiring life quotes are: Life is not a bed of roses, slow and steady wins the race, a kite rises high against the wind, when everything seems upside down; make your feet firm to the ground, God loves those who die young, everything is not money, there is always a silver lining in the black cloud and the list of motivational and inspiring quotes are endless. DO MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES REALLY WORK IN SUCCESS OF OUR LIFE? Answer to the question is yes, they do motivate us to achieve success in our lives. Our life is full of challenges, ups and downs, failures, disasters, traumas, losses, loneliness and beside the supreme power known as God we need some inspiration and motivation from inside too to make us move ahead with all the odds of life. This inner strength of motivation and inspiration help us to continue with the life’s ups and down. ORIGIN OF MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Now ...